Contains my top 10K list sorted by subscriber count, analyzed for promo-friendly, low-karma friendly, unfriendly, and SFW subreddits that promoters have successfully posted to before.
All subreddits in a single data set, sorted by subscriber count.
All NSFW subreddits in a single data set, sorted by subscriber count.
This is a list of NSFW subreddits that are likely to be text-only. That I filtered through automation.
This is a prototype of a list of NSFW subreddits that do not have "Verify" in the description. That I filtered through automation.
This sheet contains a list of around 10,000 spicy content creators on Reddit, sorted by karma. I find it very useful for "research" purposes ;) Hope you enjoy.
Why men buy subscriptions. A brief inventory of answers.
My private subreddit for creators to hang out. Click Sign Up to join.